:P When we went in, we started talking about the blogs and all, and I brought the topic up on Johnny's Entertainment Music Video Parody. At one video, as we were watching, I wanted to say something.
Kao: You know, this guy is making them- *presses pause button, but didn't pause* making them- *presses again, still didn't pause* making them- *does it again* making them- *finally pauses it* making them.. uhh.. making them..
Nacchan: *laughing*
Kao: Uhmm.. make NEWS look like they're all that, KAT-TUN like sluts, and Arashi gay.
XD;; I seriously do not know why I kept repeating the same thing again and again.
When we went to the beach, we shared a few talks of seriousness, and funny random talks! :P Food, drinks, hermit crabs, writing and vandalizing the sand, and getting sand in our pants! (or in Nacchan's case, in her ass.)
^^ Overall, it was a fun day! :P Pretty glad I came. Though, I got sun burns. XD;;
There stuff I remember like...
How I kept turning towards the direction of the wind, and against the wind to see how my hair is different with a camera, and looking at myself from the bottom to top angle. XD;; LAME of me, but yeah, I never noticed. o_O (Then I was dubbed the vain person on the beach though I only took two pictures of myself.. but what the heck.. D:)
At the end, we went around 4PM to the beach, me and Nacchan. :P I remember the fact that I kept running away from the water at times, but in the end I was like, what the heck. Hell with it, my shoes are already wet!
We went around, and I was collecting non-broken, complete sea shells. ^^ Then to this point, Nacchan and I found a lot of hermit crabs coming out from the sand. :P We ended up piling them up in one spot, and tried to stop the escaping ones! Lol, we were so mean!
So, by 5PM, we went back to camp and we were like, 'What the......' EVERYONE ELSE WAS GONE! So was our stuff and tents and all!!
We went to the car to find them there, and they said we were gone for an hour. Was it THAT long? o_O;; We must have had fun torturing the harmless hermit crabs.. (who some were.. uhmm dragging the female crabs away, and some who went to bury themselves into the sand to sleep again.)
^^ All right.. That's it for now!
:P I'm sure to post the pictures from beach up in my next post on this!