Friday, June 27, 2008


:o I've been on, and without noticing my status is 'Appear Offline'. XD;; I've had that for both my emails, on Live Messenger and Trillian.

Well, to make up for those empty non-updated times. I'll show you what I've been doing.. or downloading. x___x

This will honestly scare you a lot. :D I scared you with a list of Arashi videos. I wonder what I will scare you with next?!

This is what I'm downloading now. A lot, isn't it? :( I think so too. *thinks I should give Racer a rest for the evening*

I've also made a new folder in my videos folder called, 'Johnny Jimusho'. I also transferred Arashi and KAT-TUN there. :D Yay~

Jya-jyan! This is what's IN the folder. (P.S. Ignore the sexeh back of Jin. ;P)

I've downloaded a bit on Hanamaru Cafe, a bit on NEWS performing, and more on Tegomass & their new single, 'Ai Ai Gasa' which was released in June 2008! *gaps* VERY recent.

That's their videos for you. :) Now I shall proceed to their PICTURES!

I've looked for KAT-TUN, Kanjani8 & NEWS recently. :P Miyavi? I was curious on how he looked like, so I searched him up. But the main attraction are the boys under Johnnys!

Unfortunately, I wasn't so... motivated to find KAT-TUN's pictures. :( So that's all for now.

Neither was I motivated for Kanjani8. I had a tough time trying to recognize who is who. XD;; For now, I can tell who's Yoko, Subaru. Yasuda, Ryo, Uchi. But not Ohkura, Maruyama & Murakami.. unfortunately.

(I can't help but post up Ohkura's picture here! ..I think he's cute. x___x)

Ohkura Tadayoshi.


NEWS' folder is very untidy, and I have yet to finish.. categorizing them. XD;; This is what it looks like.. (Note: Did you see the side at the scroller? PRETTY LONG NE?!)

And this is how it looks like.. in lists. And if you noticed, the scroller at the bottom is pretty long too. x__x 400+ Pictures total..

Yamapi & Nishikido-Kun pretty much takes up that much. o_O;;

XD;; That's all for now! I'll be posting what I've been watching. x___x

This might be too early..



*claps and enjoys this moment... alone*

Though, it's not officially open.. I just want to list down what I want to do, and remind myself so I can look forward to the future, ne!

1) Picnic at the BEACH
...which we never had.

Like LAST TIME, I want to enjoy a day at the beach, having picnic (with less food!) and MORE GAMES and MORE WATER and MORE.. chances to splash water at Kuroru?!

But this time.. I want to bring along Ian! ;D

& don't forget the pictures, videos & hermit crabs..

2) Swimming at the POOL
...where Kuroru & I don't have any swimming suit.

I want to get water guns and ALL and water balloon and ALL. XD For a water fight?! We FINALLY have reason to dance and sing 'LUCKY MAN'! :x Or 'The Pain of the Pretty-' ops I mean 'Taiyou No Namida'!

3) Group Photo Shoot
...where we have a bit of money & equipment problem.

Don't you think it'd be cool, seeing a group of people in nice outfits, posing as if they're models.. and you can tell people, 'OH! I KNOW THEM!!' or something like that. :D I think so too. I'd definitely be like, 'OH! LOOK! ITS MY TWIN! AND WE SHARE THE SAME NAME, how COOL IS THAT?!'

4) Dorama & Movie Day (or Night)
...while we're still having our studies now.

Watching Dorama is fun alone. But it'll be NICER if you watched it with other people. ;) You laugh, we laugh. You cry, we cry. You think its weird, we think you're weirder. You fall off the couch, we'll steal your spot on the couch. :) We're such good friends, aren't we? But if you decide to jump off the balcony, I think I'll be by your side, telling you what pose looks cooler from the bottom as I have a camera ready to take a photo of you. :o

5) 'How do you...' Segment
...while we still have that equipment problem & studies.

I think it'd be better if we actually had wigs! So we can look like girls- oh we're already girls.. WELL, I think it'd be better if we had better equipment! Guy clothes!

This segment is about like.. 'How does this member confess to a guy she likes' or something like that, ne! :x We should have a 'First Date' segment as well.. but there's no place here that I'd go for a date!

6) Onigokko GEMMU (Game)
...while we're having a bit of problem with location, equipment & studies.

Oni... gokko? Oni means demon or chasers. While gokko is like.. hide & run. So basically in this game, a number of people are given 5 minutes head start to find a place to hide or something. After that, USUALLY they had cameras so the Oni Commander can track the movements of the players. :x But that's impossible for us. So for us, a number of people are the players, and a smaller number of Onis are dispatched to chase them. For the players, they can HIDE but once an Oni finds them (hidden or unhidden) they run away from the Oni until the Oni is outrun or whatever. :x If one player is chased by an Oni, other Onis can chase the same one. Though, for this game, we have a TIME limit about an hour until all the players are found and caught. But usually, this game is played in a VEEEEEERY huge area. EVEN larger than the mall!

If we are able to get cameras, the Oni commander can dispatch Onis to go here or there. But since we have insufficient stuff. It's better to stick to a small group of Onis with the commander joining them. XD Though, they'd need a walkie-talkie or something!

If there are players who are still uncaught by the end of the time, the players wins the game! But usually, this game contains many segments, where the winner usually becomes the next Oni commander by the next game. :x I watched this game being played by several people (Ya-Ya-Yah & NEWS & J.J. Express). I found it interesting and I would want to play it. (Though, I admit that I was so nervous and scared while watching them play since it felt like I was really in the game itself. The first time watching it made me so nervous and scared and TOO into it to the point where I was yelling at the screen, 'AH YABAI! SHIGE HAYAKU! ONI!!! *points at the Oni in the screen* AGH KUSANO HAAAAYAAAAAAAAKUUU RUUUUUUN!!!!!!' te. It actually took me a long shower to calm down, but my heart was beating so damn fast!)

I have other stuff I wanna do.. but I'll leave it aside for now!