Sunday, August 10, 2008

Shoon! Where did you learn to speak like that?!

XD;; A funny video from a recent episode of Shounen Club!

:) I do not own JE, nor do I own the video, nor do I own the subs!

Credit goes to newshfan from LJ. XD Give her some LURVE yo!

In this episode, Tsubasa came as a guest, while Shige became MC for a day! For the Junior League battle, they have to act out a role. In the 1st round, they acted out as a Sexy Cat. In the 2nd round, ... uhhh I don't remember. But one of the rounds, they had to act out as Tackey who came late?!

In the last round, Shoon and Akun had to talk 'Gyaru' language on the phone. ('Gyaru' means teenage girl talk, and usually used in shopping areas? For example, 'Like.. OMG! It's like.. sooooo cute.' XD;; Annoying, I know.) I found Shoon's one funny, so I decided to share it with other people? :3


Happy Birthday, Yuuto!

You've now turned 15! XD;;

I really hope that everything will go smoothly for you now~

Nakajima Yuuto
Born on 10th August 1993