Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Me to You; Nacchan (02)

;P I WOULD comment, but.. I just get this feeling it won't work since I'm pretty much downloading something. x__x;; A game I got invited to..

XD;; I heard that joke before! But, I didn't get the last part... Well, only until now. XD;; I understand it now! *laughs*

:P The Ian thing?

..I heard. From her blog! XD;; Yeah, I wished I could have seen that!! A clueless Ian. :o

x__x;; Really? I just gave out random songs. Though, I'd really recommend you to listen to 'Niji' by Aqua Timez & Missing, Monster, Cake and Ale and Everlasting Laugh, Lost World, Funny Bunny, ALL of them by ELLEGARDEN. XD;; Do you want more of RIP Slyme? :P I'm planning to download their music videos.

XD;; Well, I DID mention that QUITE a number of times in my blogs. :x But it's hidden in a way that people have to ask me. (Though, quite a number of them asked me if it was Assie, but blah. XD;; Tired of answering that question!)

:x I blog quite a lot to be honest. Since a few years back. I think I have about.. 5 different blogs? Oh, that's including this one! ...maybe. XD;;

:P We should just move Atashi (which.. we HAVE to change the name now) here. x__x And make another blog where Atashi members uhmm post their stuff! But still.. I don't know about you though. x__x :P We should include Ian too! And definitely change the name. x__x Since we're not exactly doing an Arashi-based club anymore..

e__e And since Kuroru placed the RIIDA position to me.. *sighs*

:3 After 'o' levels, we should do a LOT of stuff! Trips, and all. XD;; If we miss PROM, we can go next year. x___x;; For Kuroru, that is. You don't want to go, right? x__x;;

:P Let's have parties as well? Beach parties, GOSH I WOULD WANT THAT! ...but I need to buy a swimming suit... ;P Let's talk about it after Mid Year Exams though. ^^

( And at this point, I plan on dragging Mr. IL&MC along if he was free. XD;; )