Friday, May 30, 2008


:P I have such a pain trying to listen to music on my earphones. External speakers broke and laptop speakers are soooooo weak. e___e I can BARELY hear anything!

I just finished watching 'Christmas on July 24th Avenue', and now, I was thinking of what happened during last year Christmas. :P It was the FIRST Christmas I spent with anyone! ^^ Thanks, Nacchan, Kuroru & Ree.

:) I hope we can spend this year Christmas together again. :P Let's make it MORE WINTERY and all! Or.. are we away for that time? XD;; Though, would you guys prefer a small gathering or a party? :P

XD;; Gosh, maybe let's just spend it at Empire! Walking around the place, and all.. LET ME KNOW YOUR IDEAS! :P Majide..

PS, I might aim to buy external speakers THEN a webcam!

PPS, :P Zushi, please stop reading my blog.