Sunday, May 25, 2008

KaoCHO's Plans with Friends (02)

:o Okay, maybe NOT plans, but this happened at school today. ;P Trying to embarrass yah, Kuroru!

We were rambling on about our blogs and all, and when we came to Ian's, Nacchan and I kept pestering her what '-k' meant at the back of her URL. x__x She won't say a word, and we just staaaaared at her. :P She got slightly irritated, but once we got on a different topic, Nacchan asked again.

:o Kuroru told Nacchan, she told me what K meant.

We all yelled out random words.

"KANASAI!" Lol, that just mean bullshit in Chinese.

We went on to teacher's names, and.. o_O

"Teacher Kasuma!" Kuroru cried out.

Nacchan and Ian was like, 'Kasuma? Who's that? It sounds familiar.'

'o______o SINCE WHEN IS MY DAD A TEACHER?!' I yelled out.

"OH YEAH, THAT'S KAORU'S DAD'S NAME!!" We all laughed at Kuroru. o_O When was my DAD ever a teacher? XD;; It'll be creepy if he was.

x__x He might be having a gamer's talk with the guys, or go like, 'Are you Kaoru's boyfriend?!' x__x But he's not like that. XD;; That would be me. My dad would more likely be... like... o__o.. I can't imagine my dad as a teacher. XD;;

We continued to ramble on, and Ian gave us this sticker that says our nicknames.

'Kacho-Maxx' o_o I was like.. 'Kacho?' XD Yeah she forgot the 'O'. It sounds lot like something in Pokemon! 'Kacho! Ka ka ka choooooo!' Lmao. And Ian would be like, 'KaCHO! I choose YOU!' And I'll jump out of my bed, 'Ka-CHOOOOOOO!' Lol, I'm being lame like Kuroru now. ;P

Well, that's all for now. x___x Btw, anyone ever farted on an uncooked chicken before?

:P I now wonder how many regular readers I have;
Ian, Nacchan, Asshie, Nickt... & apparently Mr. IL&MC too. o_O

Now I wonder how much he read. XD;;