KaoCHO! I'm blogging in school, with Ian by my side. o_o She just asked me if that was in my picture. LOL. Sure, that's me. XD;;
:o Oh my! Her birthday is tomorrow. Her sweet 16.
This is what I wrote in my list of 'Top 15 (+3) Qualities of a Guy" in Padi's book XD;
outgoing and friendly! -_-; that's for sure..a warm heart (like Aiba!)jokes at times (so he can cheer me up)can be childish and serious at the same time.dumb in terms of personality (lol..) so he'll be cute!I don't like a guy who says sweet nothings..not so clingyvery honest :P to everyone, but sensitive to other people's feelings.knows how to cook (so I can expect a cooking for my b'day!):> Smart, stupid, I don't care, but not THAT stupid. knows when to let me have my spaceis communicative! :> (says hi everyday and asks me how was my day)likes music!loving & caring!x_x;; at least good looking and taller than me.Someone who I feel comfortable with. ^^who wants to be pampered, and pampers me :P and becomes childish then!aaahh I forgot the last one x___x
I know, such a long and impossible list. :P But hey, its just a list. If he has everything, that's a bit creepy, but I'll be lucky then. :>
@__@;; Well, to be honest, I don't know.. lol. o_o I'm weird. And Ian, please stop reading this. XD;; I'm not obsessed about blogging. Maybe.. Ahahaha.
Little confession here; I was thinking of Arashi, and someone when I wrote this.. x__x;;
:P Soooo.. the ones in;
bold means someone has it
italic means partly have it
plain just means
DOESN'T have it. XD;;
HAHA,Pickyy! =P
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