Friday, November 21, 2008

Hey! Say! JUMP Members Measurements

From the Eldest to the Youngest:

Name - Beginning of year height (cm) _ End of year height (cm) _ The difference
Yabu Kota - 176cm _ 178cm _ +2cm
Takaki Yuya - 175cm _ 173cm _ -2cm
Inoo Kei - 170cm _ 171cm _ +1cm
Yaotome Hikaru - 171cm _ 172cm _ +1cm
Arioka Daiki - 164cm _ 164cm _ 0cm
Okamoto Keito - ???cm _ 173cm _ ???? (The translator didn't take down his old measurements)
Yamada Ryosuke - 156cm _ 162cm _+6cm
Nakajima Yuuto - 164cm _ 174cm _ +10cm
Chinen Yuri - 147cm _ 153cm _ +6cm
Morimoto Ryutaro - 155cm _ 160cm _ +5cm

Their Weight
Yabu Kota - about 116 lbs
Takaki Yuya - about 121 lbs
Inoo Kei - about 108 lbs
Yaotome Hikaru - about 114 lbs
Arioka Daiki - about 105 lbs
Okamoto Keito - about 123 lbs
Yamada Ryosuke - about 106 lbs
Nakajima Yuuto - about 110 lbs
Chinen Yuri - about 92 lbs
Morimoto Ryutaro - about 110 lbs


Hahahaha! Takaki actually shrank! XD Daiki didn't grow at all. Ryutaro's taller than me now?! YUUTO GREW 10 CM A YEAR?! D: YABU! STOP GROWING. T_T

Wow... Wow.. Yabu's the tallest, then it's Yuuto. Keito's taller than Hikaru?! NOOOOO~ My Hikato is gooooone~~ Well.. at least Inoo's shorter than Hikaru~ HIKANOO! 

Does anyone realise that Inoo's and Chinen's names, 'Kei' and 'Yuri' are actually girls' names? ^^ Kinda suits their appearance, no? 


Anonymous said...

no frekin way

カオチョ said...

XD What's wrong? Too thin and too tall for you?

Anonymous said...

Kay: OMG! Hey, by any chance, its probably that something is wrong with me but.... Do you by any chance, know who the guy in Mayonaka Shadow Boy who dances in front, he's the one that sang "kocchi muite o cherry, socchi janai cherry..." part. Hehe, I have limited internet connection and since Kei here (my blog partner) is kind of lazy, just at least want to know who the guy is... eheheheheh.
By the way, I really have got to diet, their even more slim than I do. Heheh
nice ta meet ya btw.

Anonymous said... how exactly did that dude get shorter? amputated his toes? oh maybe his hair got shorter?

Anonymous said...


カオチョ said...

Well, I think it's his hair, to be honest. In the beginning of the year, he had a dorama that he's acting in, and his hair was.. uhmm.. weird. But now his hair is kinda not weird, so yeah..

Nakajima. LOL. Feels weird for me to call him that. Yeah, Yuuto grew a lot, didn't he? @_@ But it's normal for guys at their age to grow so much. I mean, Yamada, Chinen, Keito, Ryutaro grew at least 5 cm! (While, I still want ti make jokes about Takaki shrinking. LOL)

Anonymous said...

Hope I don seem a lil too clingy...
and I hope I'm not stalker-like either... hehehe...
I'm kinda not used to blogging (I feel lyk a geezer saying this), but thx for your help! :)
And cool, in exactly one more day is your b'day! XD

n dun worry bout writing too long, Kei is a REALLY fast reader! And I like reading! cheers to HSJ fan!