So one day,
Kaoru: D: I'm always a pedo
Bao: LMFAO *Runz*
Kaoru: who wants to be the big sister of everyone who is cute and younger D'X
Bao: since when was I the little bro type of character. LOL
Kaoru: D: S-Since You were my friend *sobs*
Bao: Hahaha.
Kaoru: LOL. I really sound like a pedo D:
Bao: *countz back to a few years ago*
Kaoru: Eww Pedo
Bao: Yeaz u do =D
Bao: But thats what I like about you. Your pedoness LOLOLOL
Bao~ ❤
You're such a cute odep~ ♫
HAHAHAHA. wtf. What's. D:
Bao: awwwz *pats*
Bao: here. have a candy bar =p
Kaoru: D: No
Bao: o___o
Kaoru: Make it Roxas
Kaoru: 8D
Bao: I tried to give you a candy bar. AND YOU REJECTED ME D:
Kaoru: BeaRoxas~
Bao: You...rejected me. T-T
Kaoru: DX;; Because I dont want no candy bar
Kaoru: Lol
Kaoru: I rejected you 8D
;o; I rejected Bao.
Bao: MY waterpipe broke just now @_@
Bao: Water was like "Boomz!"
Bao: D:
Kaoru: DX;;
Kaoru: *mistakened it for 'water' only*
Kaoru: Wow
Kaoru: I thought for a second there that your water broke
Bao: Yes I'm gonna have
Bao: a baby
Kaoru: and I was like, "Bao's pregnant?!"
Bao: Yes I am.
Bao: Pedophiles touched me. @_@
Kaoru: So anyway, you turned off the water?
Kaoru: XD LOL. Not me~
Bao: No I just stood there and watched my bro get wet. He's pissed off cuz his shirt's screwd up now
Bao: don't think too much on "my bro got wet" plz.
Bao: LOL
Kaoru: o_O
Kaoru: LOL
Kaoru: I wasn't even thinking of that!!
I wonder how many interesting convos can we have here in 1 day night? does anyone find this convo interesting? 8D;;
P.S. This isn't the Bao you know, Zushi. 8D That's "Archer" Bao. This is "Annoying-Adorable-Younger" Bao, who I don't think you've met on Maple before. o_o
Yeah I don't think I've met him in maple before.
And reading this entry and the other entry I went @_@ "..." "Maybe I shouldnt have immediately went online and read blogs right after I've done work on the computer.."
And this keyboard... difficult to get used to.. the keys are flatter[grammar and spelling?] than my old one..
So anyways, this entry is about.. pedo and.. something.. just can't seem to say it...
Whoops.. that's not right.. was supposed to have more.. Dunno why it wasn't typed down.. Forgot what it was; anyways, this entry's kinda funny.. and interesting =P
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