One day,
Kaoru: o___o From my blog
Kaoru: Someone actually
Kaoru: likes Baoru
Kaoru: LOL
Kaoru: My friend's like, "..awwww. Baoru is cute ♥" and I was like "...o_o... are you serious?"
Bao: o3o
Bao: lol
Bao: who? =o
Kaoru: Uhmm
Kaoru: Sachi
Kaoru: She likes weird stuff
Bao: oh you mean in rl? o3o
Bao: herro sachi *waves*
Kaoru: No
Bao: Oh.
Bao: Just tell her I waved
Bao: Lololol
Kaoru: Sachi is online friend XD
Sachi, Bao waved at you. ♥
.....And this is what happens after he waved at Sachi.
Kaoru: o____O
Kaoru: *falls out of chair and face hits table hard*
Bao: LOL
Kaoru: Stfu
Bao: *throws icebag on your head*
Bao: =p
Bao: actually tho
Bao: why'd you hit the table again
Bao: xD
Kaoru: D<
Kaoru: Well
Kaoru: I put my leg on my chair
Kaoru: and then
Kaoru: I tried to get up while my knee pushed my body up from the chair
Kaoru: then
Kaoru: the chair moved back
Kaoru: and uhhh
Bao: o3o
Bao: ouch
Kaoru: yeah.. I hit the first thing in front of me
Kaoru: whch is my table
Bao: I thought you meant (fell out of char and hit table) in a fictional way.
Kaoru: W-Well at least I didn't hit the corner..
Bao: now it's like: "Awwwhs Are you okay? D:"
Kaoru: XD;; Lol
Bao: Awwhs are you okay? D:
Bao: Lololol
Kaoru: Wtf
Bao: well don't mind me caring for you T-T
Bao: unthankful pedophile. ><
Kaoru: D<
Kaoru: D:
Kaoru: I'm sorry
Kaoru: XD You can take care of me not
Kaoru: ...well.. that sounds sort of weird in a way
Kaoru: *now
Bao: yeah kinda
Bao: oh
Bao: now it makes sense
Kaoru: Lol
Kaoru: Shut up
Bao: I thought you were speaking medieval. Lol
Bao: xD
Kaoru: XD
Bao: I dare you not
Bao: =p
Kaoru: Thou shall mock me not
Kaoru: ...eww
Bao: Ohh you so good at medieval. o3o
8D I'm so good at medieval speak... not. But anyway, if anyone's curious, yes, I'm fine after falling. XD;;
HAHAHA. D: .....I didn't know Bao could care.
Bao: how much was the difference between our timezones? o3o
Bao: 8 hours or something right
Kaoru: XD;; I was wondering about that earlier on
Kaoru: I'm at GMT +8
Bao: It's 7:19am here now
Bao: Oh
Kaoru: 7 houras
Bao: I'm gmt +1
Kaoru: *hours
Bao: Yup
Kaoru: XD
Bao: school's out at 1pm today
Bao: you still there on 8? o3o
Bao: I'm guessin not huh
Kaoru: Uhhh
Kaoru: My flight's around that time
Kaoru: Lol
Bao: Damn
Kaoru: Around 7PM I think?
Bao: D:
Kaoru: 8D You're gonna miss me?
Bao: Lol
Bao: I've missed you enuff, not talking to you for like a year
Bao: xD
Kaoru: I feel so incredibly flattered
Bao: not that I
Bao: remembered
Bao: you
Bao: o3o
Kaoru: *huggles*
Kaoru: D< Now stop reminding me about that LOL
Bao: *huggles*
Bao: xDDD
Bao: Yeah I'll miss you then
Bao: =p
Kaoru: I forgot about you too. 'Nuff said.
Bao: Have fun in singapore xD
Kaoru: I was like, "Hmmm.. There was someone who i talked to often.."
Kaoru: 8D Thanks
Bao: LOL
Bao: And don't go on msn like right the first day x3
Kaoru: o_o Then my blog got the hold of me
Kaoru: Okay okay 8D
Kaoru: B-but
Kaoru: I have a free day
Bao: don't buy any plastic strawberry milk~
....awww. Bao cares.. still. ♥ That's kinda creepy.
....awww. Bao wants to talk to me after school. ♥ That's more than creepy.
....awww. Bao and Kaoru forgot each other for a few months. ♥ That's extremely normal.
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